Upside Down in the Sink

Theology in the Trenches

By Kathleen Kjolhaug

It started one day when my husband observed an unnatural phenomenon.  He observed someone (I haven’t a clue who) placing the drain plugs in their sink upside down!  He asked them why they did such a thing, and their response made total sense to him.  They explained that less food finds its way down into the drain pipes when not in use. Things can no longer slip through the cracks, so to speak.  Since my husband has the sole duty of cleaning our pipes beneath the sink when they get clogged, our kitchen drain plugs are now placed strategically upside down in the sink.

First of all, let me say that this was his idea, not mine.  Secondly, let me say that each and every time I remove that upside down thing full of crud…I find myself purposely letting some of the slop slip down that pipe in hopes that it will become clogged sooner than later. Thus, ending his theory and hoping that I might soon get my sink back the way it used to be!

There is just something about this whole concept that drives me completely nuts!  And, when I pick up that slimy drain full of fruit mush, veggie peels, and the like, I can honestly say that I think of my husband. I think, “What a dumb idea this is!”  Soon, I am not thinking of the idea, but wondering why on earth I agreed to go along with it in the first place.  I’ve tried to hold my tongue, but now my fingers are rebelling as I spell out my absolute disgust with this piece of husbandry brilliance.  It doesn’t work, and I’ve been quiet long enough! 

Let the whole world know that I do, indeed, think that this is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard.  Not only do we now have to clean that drain catcher each and every time of use, but my finger has to slide under that disgusting black rubber ring growing the slime that apparently isn’t being washed down the drain!  You know what I’m talking about. It’s that little black ring that doesn’t get touched until we decide to replace the drain plug altogether.  It’s that little black ring that gets washed out periodically just to make ourselves feel better.  It’s that little black rubber ring underneath that drain plug that we all want to pretend is not there.  Now, it sits facing me each and every time I look down into my kitchen sink!

I keep thinking that eventually he will decide it was a bad idea too.  However, so far he appears to have a bounce in his step when he picks it up to empty out!  In fact, when I glance at him during the process, I actually see a smile upon his face. 

Lately, as I’ve had visions of turning those blasted things over so they are right side up while he’s at work and returning them to the upside down position before he gets home (so he thinks he still has his little drain deal going)...I realize I have a problem.  They say honesty is the best policy, so I think I may have to tell him straight out that these upside down drains are messing with my mind!  Realizing that I do risk the reaction that it’s just one more thing I need to control in this house (and we all know how much control we women LOVE to have), I think I’m ready to risk it! 

Lord, thank you for the wonderful differences in how we see things.  Genesis 5:2 says, “Male and female they were created and He blessed them.”  I know that I need not be right in thinking my husband is wrong. Truly let us lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge You so that you may direct our drains!  Amen.


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