Hot Pink Seahorses

Hot Pink Seahorses

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


It was the final hours of the grade school carnival, and the youngster glancing over each showcase had yet to collect a souvenir from the memorable event. By early evening, there was a mere buck and a half left in hand, and so began the hunt. Making their way up and down the aisles, one table caught the attention of the hopeful buyer. Included in the paraphernalia were small hot pink seahorses scattered about in the various packaging of seashells and sand.


With astonishing intrigue, eyes vacillated between two possibilities. There was the meager collection making budget, or there was the more expensive tempting package holding not only one seahorse but several. For a split second, remorse hung in the air from games played with nothing to show. But now, with the beauties in boxes only inches away for the taking, the onlooker knew exactly how to spend the rest of the resources available.


Somewhere, deep within, memory moments are inhaled, and soon exhaled. Input from childhood produces fruit…and memories serve. They come in many forms. Outburst of song can inspire love of music. Giggles upon the playground create bonded friendships. Helping teachers ready classrooms for the coming school year sparks an interest in teaching. Playing in the second grade rhythm band while sporting empty Hylex containers for top hats, produce future band members. Paint scents wafting in the art rooms fills one with color bringing hope that things yet unseen are possible. Appreciation of quiet spaces produces love of reflective contemplation.


Spelling tests hung on display from the highest to the lowest scores creates embarrassment of comparison. “You can’t add apples and oranges and get bananas!” yelled the authority figure in the classroom helping create fear of math and a definite distaste for bananas. One classmate couldn’t help they smelled. Funny how the odd aroma suddenly disappeared…until one stepped just outside the doorway. Desk and child sat in silent shame…alone…creating for others empathy at a price too high for anyone to pay.


Yes, memories serve. We help create them by fostering or dampening the tender shoots before us. We were all, at one time, tender shoots. What happens from the past gives way and soon pathways replicate…or not. I read once that one of the highest predictors of successful adults weren’t test scores, but rather one’s ability to empathize with others on this planet. It’s linked to compassion and gets high scores.


1 Corinthians 12: 25-26 says, “…but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer…if one member is honored, all the members rejoice.”


These themes will be tested over and again in life. May we be wise in what we teach as we give input to tender shoots all around.  Amen


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