

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug

Sonder: “The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.” Defined by John Koenig, this word was coined but as of yet, not found in the Webster or Oxford dictionaries. So does it exist as a word if it is not in our official vocabulary guide?

According to the video clip, the meaning of it does exist. Mr. Koenig was able to create proof of this through a short video depicting each of us as center points while others peripherally touch our lives. Then, beyond our peripheral vision there are those in the far distant and it is their stories we know nothing of…yet ours lives touch like extras in a film. These people pass us on sidewalks, highways, and byways. Next, in the video clip, we see the roles flipped…while those in the background become center of their own stage and we become the “extras” in their lives. Mix this together and you have “sonder.”

All of this exists whether it’s officially validated via Webster or not because we see it played out each and every day. Now this moves me to the next set of questions that go with the theme of this column. Theology in the Trenches asks: Would Jesus be who He claims to be even if every other person in the world would claim otherwise? If all the others in our circle of friends and family would claim He isn’t God, would He still be God? What about the Bible? Is it truly the word of God even if others say it is not?

The answers to these questions are either yes, or they are no. There is no in between. If a person can make a video clip proving that a newly coined word exists, then we need not fear looking into the historically preserved documents that testify to the truth that Jesus indeed is who He claims He is. After all, the truth remains in His Word which is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In the gospel of John it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Is this truth not a truth if others around us say it is not? The explanation of this was anticipated because John 1:10 tells us to expect this. It says, “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him.”

When the herd mentality, the politically correct response, or the popular vote says we blend in with those around us because we don’t want to “offend” others…then we must ask yet another difficult question. Why would truth offend? In my limited wisdom, I can only conclude that truth offends when we believe there is no truth. It offends when we are ignorant of it, and it offends when we want our own ways over His. It offends when we reject, it offends when we sin, and it offends when there is pride involved putting ourselves on that throne instead of Him. Oh, it’s much more complex than this because I know truth can offend when one finger points the message of truth with an arrogance that is not of love. But, for a moment, check out John 1:16.

“For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

The prophets of old have spoken, the documents historically have been preserved, Jesus did die on the cross, Jesus did rise, and when He did, He did so that all may live. If you believe, read His Word. If you do not believe, read His Word. It is not only life changing, but life giving. Amen.

Recommended reads and listens: The Bible (begin with the book of John)

“Daily Light Morning & Evening” by Thomas Nelson Publishing (an old devotional which is pure scripture…can be downloaded as an e-book)

“More than a Carpenter” by Josh McDowell (One man’s journey to prove Jesus was not who He claimed to be. He was either liar, lunatic, or Lord…so which one is He?)

DVD Nabeel Quereshi (mesmerizing and informational


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