

Theology in the Trenches

By Kathleen Kjolhaug


“Abandoned. Free for Adoption.” That’s what the words stated. Stamped, signed, sealed…the official papers had been retrieved from the vault in which they’d been stored for many a year. The sacred silence kept time until a quiet request had been made to see them.

The prospect of eyes falling upon them brought a shift in the delicate balance of life. Questions would be asked, memories stirred, and truth be told, who knew what else. But, these papers no longer belonged to us. They belonged to the hearts of those whose names were written upon them…the ones who had been chosen.

Into the bank I went handing over the key to the clerk. Once the metal box was opened, I managed to pull out the wrapped bundle and plunge it into the depths of my purse. It had been years since I’d seen these papers. They were the only copies we had that validated the fruits of our adoption journey. They represented the legal component, but the heart component could never be documented. Or, could it?

Signature of attorney was front and center. Passports present and past surfaced, filing dates noted, court judgments rendered, and fees charged were all recorded. Fingering each page as gently as the request to see them had been made, the searching eyes sought knowledge as each one was studied. Colorful currency and corrugated licked stamps emblazoned beneath notarized signatures gave evidence to the country of origin.

No new news jumped from the printed pages that hadn’t already been known. Interesting though were the official words utilized upon them. “Original petition praying that the petitioners... Application praying that this court be pleased…” Like springs of fresh water upon parchment they poured forth connecting countries one to another. If they only knew. If they only knew that while they typed those words in a land far away, indeed praying was our only means of survival while we waited.

At last, towards the end of the document, the court’s decision stood. Like a gavel pounding the final verdict it read. “Abandoned. Free for adoption.” And so it was…and so it is… truth in its finest form. Abandoned…Free…  Isaiah 52:7 captures it like poetry. “How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news.” He calls…He chooses…we are chosen. Free indeed and once we are, abandoning that to which we’ve clung becomes so much easier.

Ephesians 1:3-8: “I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.” Thank God we may run with abandon into His arms for He, our Father, has never and will never leave us nor forsake us as Deuteronomy 31:8 promises. And so it is…to this we cling.  Amen.


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