

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


The big to do these days is utilizing previously used wood round and about the house for many a project. Be it for making walls, creating furniture from wood that was once used elsewhere, or be it placing a few memory pieces within the living confines of a home…it has become quite popular. No matter the place, person, or project, the most recently coined phrase is “reclaimed wood.”

Back in the day we would have directed the craftsman to take the scraps of wood from the pile outside to use what they could. Or, we might have said something to the effect of using the leftover junk if we couldn’t afford to buy new. Perhaps even redirecting the builders down the road to an old shed or two that might have some lumber to make use of…would have been a directive given.

The creative twist has turned something old into new with this full-fledged fad. Reclaimed wood brings an element of creative brilliance into the picture that is being painted. Never in a million years would great grandma and grandpa have thought that the wood in the henhouse would be something seen as anything worth clamoring for…especially after being put to honest to goodness use over several decades.

The fun part about this latest in decorating techniques is that is does bring an element of respect to the days gone by. After all, one can’t just get wood to weather for fifty years in a matter of weeks. Nor can the rust from the nails bleed through upon the graying tones in such exquisite form. Reclaimed wood offers value from the past and restoring it to a place of honor within homes connects generations.

Sort of reminds me of the movie we went to see last night, “Risen.” Reclaiming the memories of what this Lenten season is all about brings to the forefront tender truth. His life was claimed by those who did not like what He stood for. Yet, in truth He would be reclaimed throughout history of mankind by all who believe. The honor and dignity of love poured out on that rugged piece of wood carries us until death do us part…except we never will…part that is…from the life giving last breaths He took for us upon that wood.

The power of truth cannot be silenced; the blood stained drops proving there was a price to be paid for our purchase will fall upon all whom He calls and all who call upon the name of the Lord. We thank Him for reclaiming us when we often feel like we’re only worthy of the wood shed out back. A switch or two to cover the wandering ways of our hearts would be fitting for sure. But he took those lashes too…for you…for me. And, it is finished.

John 19:30 reclaims truth. “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed His head and gave up his spirit.” For you…for me…forever and ever…Amen.


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