Babbling Idiot...

Babbling Idiot
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

When I get nervous, I chatter. Incessantly, I do this.

The latest episode happened when arriving at the airport. With plenty of time to spare, or so I thought, I made my way towards my gate. But before I did, security made their way towards me.

It all began innocently enough with the purchase of a cute little flat purse which was much too streamlined to contain my clunky old billfold. Thinking it would be a blast to travel light, into the trim little unit I tossed my credit card, two insurance cards, and a couple of pens. After all, I thought, I’m going to my daughter’s so what could I possibly need that she wouldn’t have?

I soon found out what it was she did not, would not, and could not have. She did not have any form of a picture I.D. such as my driver’s license or my passport which I would need well before my arrival to her home.  Mind you…I thought I was losing mine…my mind that is.

I was at their mercy. With no form of government I.D., I was pretty much grounded!

Security:  “Ma’am, do you have any form of picture I.D.?”
Me:  “I have Facebook! I almost brought along my passport. Does that count?”
Security:  “No.”
Me:  “Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot. How could I have forgotten that? I am so sorry! It’s in my purse I left at home. How could I have forgotten that? I am so sorry!” I was babbling.
Security:  “Ma’am, it happens a lot more than you think.”
Me:  Incessant babbling…
Security:  “You will be able to fly today, but will need to go through special security.”
Me:  Babbling straight through security, past the luggage check, and into the gate. I scooted on in through the doors of the plane and once on board, promptly began chattering incessantly to the passenger next to whom I’d plopped.

Long story short, I know it’s a coping mechanism. Twice I could feel tears rise to the surface but laughter came out instead and the idiotic talk that meant nothing to anyone except me just kept pouring right on out. Even security stopped making eye contact with me in the midst of the mess. Putting their heads down, they literally dug into their work as they moved me on through.

I’m imploring Psalm 46:10 as my think tank and mouthpiece. “Be still and know that I am God.”  

Obviously, there’s still hope as He says, “Behold, I make all things new. Write, for these words are faithful and true” (Rev. 21:5).  Amen.


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