Miracles Are Messy...

Messy from the Start
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

Miracles are messy, and it was messy from the start. Mary is pregnant and not a man in sight…except Joseph. Don’t look at me, is what he’s thinking. And so as not to mess up the plot line, the details of who thought what and which neighbor said what to whom has never been revealed. God in His magnificent wisdom didn’t turn His story into a bestseller by adding dirty details. Nope, He stuck to the basics. He stuck to the main storyline because ultimately He knew everything else was just riff-raff.

Oh, if we could be so wise, we might see more clearly the pathway through the maze of the messy miracles we are each called to live out. Final edits would have us focusing on Him instead of all of the juicy details which tend to lead us away from the main story to be told.

We’re all given a sneak preview, by hindsight, if you will. After all, we know the outcome. So when we see a picture of the angel of the Lord visiting Mary, we’re all in. We get it. It doesn’t show Mary’s mama trying to explain it to the ladies at church what on earth was going on. No doubt eye rolling was in back then, too, as well as behind the back whispering that tends to breathe life into the rumor mill.

Next up we see Mary visiting Elizabeth in full bloom as their little ones jumped for joy. Was the reality that easy? The words in His Word make it look as though it were. Again, we’re not bogged down with the he said/she said in the storyline. That sort of nitty-gritty paralyzes and could keep anyone from moving forward in the direction they are to go. With a smile on her face, Mary met Elizabeth, and they embraced. That embrace alone could be a catalyst to keep one going in the direction of Love’s pure Light.

Soon, the little family is kneeling before Jesus in the manger. A sigh of relief comes because Joseph is now in the picture and somehow, the burden appears lighter. He’s got her back, and no matter what anyone says, he is obedient to the voice of the Lord. Joseph doesn’t gather a second or third opinion; he simply has the God-given strength to be obedient to the voice of the Lord. To be able to put in the ole ear plugs so the white noise of this overly opinionated world wouldn’t intrude upon His voice speaking would sure be a game changer for most of us. 

We get it this storyline. After all, who can’t cheer on a little child, especially one born into poverty finding respite in a barn of all places? It’s sacred, it’s holy and best of all, it’s truly plausible. We love the hope new life brings. We even find ourselves chuckling at the thought of this child, once older, having the audacity to go off for days on end to teach the elders in the temple. So far…not only do we get it…but we’re still in.

But are we in till death do us part? That’s when the storyline gets a little crazy and the miracle gets messy. There’s betrayal, blood, murder, mocking, fighting, sadness, tears, pain, and even though one doesn’t normally associate a garden with anything but peace…in this story there is agony within the one He chooses to spend time in.

It’s a mystery at best, and His best is what He gave. Joy is a mystery. Light shed is a mystery. The sorrow is a mystery. And the glorious mystery comes with His resurrection, ascension into Heaven, and the descent of the Holy Spirit bringing life everlasting. Yup, if you love a good mystery…this is the one for you…and me.

Mark said in 9:23, “Jesus said, ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’”
Luke said in 18:27, “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’”
Matthew said in 11:26, “With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.’”  Amen.


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