Just In Case You Need to Make a Case...

Just In Case You Need to Make a Case
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

The following poetic edict took my breath away. May it take yours away as well. And, just in case anyone asks what it is you believe, how your faith connects to the world round you, and how it stacks up with His Word…the words below would suffice. Breathtaking they are.

Taken from “The Quest,” Beth Moore, Life Way Press.

“Every field is God’s. There is utterly nothing about which He does not know everything.
All the ‘ics’ and ‘ologies,’ like …
Mathematics, economics, acoustics, ethics, aerodynamics, athletics, aesthetics, Biology sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, geology, technology, etymology.
Go no further than Genesis 2 for glimpses of divine ecology and zoology.
Astronomy? He didn’t just speak the stars into the sky. He called them all by name.
Ornithology? He wove feathers to flesh and not a sparrow fall without His knowing.
Meteorology? Skies mirroring oceans. Clouds double-billed to bring rain and cloak glory.
He appointed lightning t strike and snowflakes to float form the same atmosphere.
All sciences originate with Him.
Social science, agricultural science, political science, computer science, health science
Chemistry, physics, earth and space science.
Science is not God’s objections. Godlessness is.
Oceanography: whales fashioned so he could watch them frolic.
Sexuality: for man and wife’s exquisite pleasure and human procreation.
Archaeology:  the same God who conceals, at His will, reveals.
Medicine originated with the Great Physician.
Nutrition from the holy Dietician.
And music? Ah, music. Imagine life without it.
Notes took wings and flew to their score as the command of the divine Composer.
Symphonies found their soul-clutching sounds at the command of the divine Conductor.
The arts were inspired by the Artist Himself.
Colors, textures, detentions, shades.
Writers found ink under the inspiration of the One called Logos, the Word.
Every great tale winks in this way or that at God’s brilliant metanarrative.”

“For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things and by Him all things hold together” (Col 1:17-16).

Hand hewn just for you is this poetry rupturing truth about the Rock of ages.

“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen” (Doxology). 


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