In this...there is Love...

In This There Is Love
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

Lord, you have poked and prodded, turning me round like a round-about. You see my comings and my goings and that which I proclaim by outward appearances…from within.  You see me from the inside out without a doubt, and transparent I am to You.

You know when my thinking is stinking, and when I recoup for respite because I’d rather follow my druthers than heed your call to get up and “Go.” You know what’s behind the words I speak because you know me. You set boundaries like borders for safe keeping and Your hand guides when I try to defy. Running wild and free I run amuck and often flat out get stuck. Yet, Your Light enlightens paths I did not see. As I make my plans, You order my footsteps because You know me well enough that I’d be trodding in places I have no business being.

It’s awesome, Lord. Your love is like the Grand Canyon. Deep and wide and way too far for the eye to behold are the sights not yet unearthed on a pathway of grandeur.

Where can I go that You are not? Within my very dreams, You are. Into the crevices of the rock I find shelter, yet You provided it by carving out every crevice in which I hide…as I try to abide…and You, my precious Lord are there. In my midst from behind and before me You are. Even the night is like the day for You. I thank God for that. Too much it is for my mind’s eye to behold much less try to fathom that which is not even comprehensible in my limited visceral view.

You formed me within the womb of my mother and You know me so very well. Not only that, but you know my soul. My goodness but I thank you for knowing me. The God of the Universe knows me…the God of the Universe knows you. Every single thing…and not only knows us, but loves us. Oh my, I can hardly breathe! It is only because of you that I can.

You not only have seen everything I’ve done here upon this earth, but you know my heart behind each and every action that has transpired. No matter how wonderful it may have looked to others, You know my heart. Purify it so that you may be pleased. Honor and glory all goes to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Let it be so…so that you indeed are glorified. Take from me anything that edifies me and turn it all upon Yourself so that others may also see how deep and wide the love is that You so freely give.

Lead me in the ways of old. Like the ancient of days may your truths stand as such so that as those who don’t know You or do injustices to You by proclaiming evil as truth, may Your Light shine on them and cleanse each from all unrighteousness. You came that all may be saved, and as the mockers proclaim their own self righteousness, may Your name be praised in spite of…for even when man does not proclaim you, the very rocks will. Rocks know the Rock apparently and that is so way cool!

(My version of Psalm 139) Amen.


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