The Hidden Costs of College

The Hidden Costs of College
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

“Be aware of all the hidden costs of college,” the article stated. On and on it droned about the extra costs that we should be aware of. After having six kids make their way through the college experience at one point or another, in one form or another, and noting the expense of it along the journey, I had to chuckle.

Among the “hidden” costs were meals out once in a while. This adds up to several hundred bucks per year, they explained.

Apparently, this is news. I wanted to counter and make mention that this little phenomenon known as “eating out” isn’t exactly something that’s hidden cause out in the open it’s been for many a year…at least around here. In fact, it’s not only been out in the open but has been a practiced unapologetically long before they went off to college. I’ve actually been known to toss a coin or two in their direction so they intentionally could get a meal elsewhere other than home.

Added expenses such as computers and technology costs were also mentioned in the article. I have a secret for that author. We’ve been providing the likes of it throughout high school, and to have them move on out in order to get those things anywhere else but here would be a money saver as far as I’m concerned.

Yup, college or any type of schooling beyond high school isn’t cheap, but neither is living at home. Now, I don’t want to take all the wind out the sales of the experts who think that we may or may not be aware of the “hidden” costs, but my guess is that most of us have outlived the surprise element long ago. I believe it went by the wayside for me when we began to not even flinch when purchasing one-hundred buck basketball shoes or any type of sports shoe for that matter.

Hidden fees? Hmmm…graduation pictures for twins wasn’t exactly a picnic, nor were prom dresses three years in a row. Dishing out dollars in order to attend games our kids played in was another little drain on the cash flow around here. I wouldn’t have missed a one, but etched in the memory banks is a picture of us standing in line waiting to get hands stamped as prices inched their way up from two, to eventually five or more bucks per away game.

My goodness, by the time they left for college, I was saving all kinds of money annually because of this fundraiser or that one. I can hardly believe the word “fun” is in the middle of that word.

I don’t want to be “Debbie Downer” here. No, I do not. So, with tongue in cheek, I write this. However, hidden costs of college are a lot less hidden that the ones that sneak up on you before they even get there.

Unarmed many of us are when dealing with that which we find ourselves in the midst of during our parenting years. Cell phones would be a prime example. By the time ours went off to college, texting or any added features were not an automatic for them. Much deliberation went into each and everything handed over. We tried desperately to not hide the cost that was apparently hidden to them.

I remember well getting a call from one who was not only away at college but apparently had a crush on some guy during that first semester. Quite disappointed she was because she’d missed his texts he’d sent her one evening. Why did she miss them? There was no texting on her phone. Temper tantrum she did not give, but fifteen bucks monthly after that she did in order to purchase it herself. The crush was soon squished as he was on to another who he was apparently able to reach. Bummer.

Yup, some things truly are hidden and other times, not so much. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the kinds of things that are worth hiding. And the cost of having these hidden within, have lasting benefits. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Now that is something worth hiding not to mention there are no hidden costs. They’ve already been paid…long ago. Amen.


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