


Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


Is there absolute Truth? What do I mean by this? Either there is Truth, or there isn’t. Either you do believe there is, or you don’t. There is no in-between.

Let’s take a deep breath and a step further. If you do not believe there is absolute Truth, does your non-belief negate the fact that there is?

Your truth, my truth, His truth, our truth….and the truth of the matter is that just because you or I may not believe in absolute Truth, does not mean it doesn’t exist.

What got me to wondering about all of this? I was jotting down the Ten Commandments to see if I could remember them. When I did, I wondered what this world might look like if all embraced what had been gifted so long ago.

What are the Ten Commandments? As a memory refresher, let’s review. Moses went up to Mount Sinai, to be with the Lord. This happened in the Old Testament of the Bible which means it happened before Jesus Christ was born. When he went up to pray, the Lord gave him the Ten Commandments for his people and when he came down, he delivered them in tablet form.

What is a commandment? It’s a rule, a boundary given for us to follow. It’s the same as giving little children a list of what to do and what not to do. It’s a compilation of rules, so to speak, but when implemented, they are not for our safety, but rather for the safety of the children. They are not meant to take the fun out of life, but rather, to be life-giving. Here they are in the order Moses wrote them down upon large stone tablets.


1.      I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any false gods before you.

2.      You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

3.      Keep the Sabbath holy.

4.      Honor your father and mother.

5.      Thou shalt not kill.

6.      Thou salt not commit adultery.

7.      Thou shalt not steal.

8.      Thou shalt not bear false witness against my neighbor.

9.      Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.

10.  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

Pretty basic they are. Yet, having them and following them are two different things. Following them with heart-felt obedience driven by the belief that He is the giver of them is freedom at its finest.

What might this world look like if we received well these gifts handed down to us in love?


1.      No false gods would eliminate every idol but Him. It would be freeing to say the least.

2.      Cleaning up language to bring honor and glory might just be refreshingly restorative.

3.      Pausing one day a week to hear His still small voice might usher in the essence of peace.

4.      Mothers and fathers would be honored and forgiveness could be sought when not.

5.      All life would matter. ALL. ALL. ALL. All words would matter. ALL. ALL. ALL.

6.      Families would have stability and when spouses remain faithful, it builds.

7.      When we don’t take the stuff of others, it would free up the judicial system and build trust neighbor to neighbor.

8.      Gossip magazines and news media proclaiming falsehoods could no longer thrive on curiosity that not only kills the cat but kills a culture.

9.      Restorative action taken would repair relationships rather than destroy them. Building servant hearts could happen if we chose to serve others rather than ourselves.

10.  Be content with what you have been given by not spending your time in jealousy of others would free up a little free time to focus on Him rather than downright criminal activity to get what we want when we want it.

What a gift we’ve been given when given these commandments. Why on earth would we want to disregard the gifts Heaven sent?

The way out of imperfection is mere confession. That’s why He died, that’s why He came…to lift from us the heavy burden we carry when we sin. He takes it once confessed so we are free to go, therefore, and live the Gospel.

John 15:13 says it clear. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.” He laid down his life for us because “For it was while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5-8).

So whether or not you believe in absolute Truth, it matters not. It’s still absolutely true. It’s historically documented Truth. So blessed we are to be able to turn from ourselves and towards Him. What a gift.

What say you?  Amen.


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