Sometimes Obedience Means GO
Sometimes Obedience
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
continued…a trip within a trip:
The mountain before me looked like a climb alright as our team made its way up. A tall white cross atop could be seen from below which was exactly where I was standing…below! To reach it was our goal.
It looked doable as the trail ahead flatly zigzagged its way back and forth making the eye believe it was an easier climb than it was. Who knew? Not I. “Pilgrimage” was the only word running through my mind—a hike up to the top—as unto the Lord.“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord—FOREVER” were the words from Psalm 23 reverberating within. Although I didn’t want to dwell in the house of the Lord any sooner than I was supposed to, I decided the climb might be possible judging from my limited vantage point. As we were already in an area of high altitude in this region of Guatemala, I knew the air would be even thinner once atop this climb within the village we were in. Stubborn Norwegian at heart, through marriage only, I decided to go for it and began my ascent.
One by one the team members passed me by as I willingly accepted my role as caboose of the group. Guarding all in case they took a tumble, I carefully watched on. Never mind the truth was I could not go any faster and they were more sure-footed than I. To be totally honest, they were younger and I was older. It was that simple.
I kept an eye on the path ahead. I knew well which way to go as it was well-worn. Little purple flowers appeared here and there, serving as green lights that I should continue on. You see little purple flowers when in doubt about any path in life, appear. It’s like a little thumbs up, if you will, that He sees. It’s a sweet form of reassurance that His eye is on the sparrow and with each group of purple flowers upon the path, I continued. (No Biblical grounds for that reference—just me.)
I climbed. I sat. The higher I climbed, the longer I sat. The air was thin and I could tell the pauses were not only needed but much needed. By now, the group was out of sight and just above me, as I drew closer to the destination, was the archway signaling that I was close. Obedient I am—fool I am not. As I perched longer than usual on the pile of rocks holding me, no longer were there purple flowers scattered anywhere. I looked in earnest and far up the path to no avail. As I paused, I listened to His still small voice.
As I now had no choice but to look down, my stomach began to lurch at the vast scene before me. You see, I forgot to mention that I do not like heights. Oozy they make me feel and sooner or later my stomach drops at the sight of anything that is not near to a sure-footed landing.
Ever so quietly the words came within. Sometimes obedience means GO! Other times obedience means STOP…turn around and go back!”
I chose to listen rather than push beyond. Visions of those above trying to collect pieces of me down below came vividly and thus, alone, I began my descent.
Grand Ole Duke of York is what I was feeling like and “When I was up I was up—and when I was down I was down—and when I was only halfway up I was neither up nor down!”
Slowly I scooted down as the surround sound of the view below did nothing to make me want to get there any sooner. Focusing on what was before me, the ground, I stabilized myself by using my backside for a sled as needed. AND just as I was beginning to feel a bit tepid about my decision to continue my descent alone, the sun began doing likewise as rapidly as I. Darkness was quickly coming as the horizon echoed colors of reddish orange.
That’s when I saw her. “Katalina!” (She was calling my name in Spanish.) And the angel of the Lord said, “Fear not!” Granted, in the book of Matthew the angel was talking to Joseph when this was spoken. Yet, I was receiving by sight an angel of the Lord on foot. It says right there in Isaiah 41:10 that I should not fear because He is with me…and He is with me and that we need not be dismayed, for He is our God and He will strengthen and help. It says He will uphold with His right hand. And…wouldn’t you know, that’s exactly what happened.
One of the caregivers at the children’s home in which we were staying, came to seek the lost because she knew well that I might need help. It was her right hand that helped guide me down and as we hit pay dirt at the end of the path we awaited the others to descend from on high.
So the moral of the story is—no matter the hill and no matter the climb, obedience is our business and the fruit all His. May we use wisdom when discerning which mountains to climb and which ones to come down from. Amen.
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