Modern Disposables

Theology in the Trenches

By Kathleen Kjolhaug


I tried to make my way around a department store yesterday, and as I did, I noticed that everything had been rearranged. Things were tossed together as if shoppers were in need of inspirational decorating ideas. Perhaps they thought I’d buy the whole group of stuff stuffed together. It sort of irritated me.

For ideas, I grab a magazine, go on line, or utilize my own creativity. Now, as I go to shop for rugs, towels, pillows, or dishes, I have to rearrange their ideas into my brain space. At this point, I have one of two choices: pick out one item and try to visualize it as a working piece within my own eclectic assortment, or buy all of the items on display in that particular grouping and place them of my home. The latter isn’t very likely as I have neither the floor space nor similar shelving arranged as they do. To top it off, nothing I own is aqua, orange, or gold.

Perhaps their “target” audience is a different generation, but I’m thinking they should make a back room for those of us who don’t like walking through a showroom when shopping for a towel, rug, or pillow. When I finally do locate an item I’m looking for…such as a placemat under their dishes, or a blanket draped over a chair, I have to weigh the purchase against the white noise they’ve chosen to display it with. The infinite parade of suggestions confuses me. I just like it simple…the way it used to be.

I like rugs in the rug section, towels in the towel section, and pillows in the pillow section. Comparing and contrasting choices is part of the fun. It’s hard seeing a pillow on top of a chair I don’t even own. I could be completely wrong in all of this, but for the life of me, I’ve never seen anyone walk in and buy a whole section of stuff and thrilled that they were able to get help from a decorator who canned it for mass distribution. I go to the store so I can create…not to come home so my house will look like the store.

To top it off, the items appear a tad trendy. Some are so trendy that I’d have to come back this time next year just to buy the new wave of what’s in. I classify this kind of purchasing power as modern disposables. They’re modern, inexpensive, not made to last long, and totally replaceable in a matter of months.

Dear Lord, When all is a blur and everything becomes a bit too overwhelming or when our wandering footsteps seem to go in circles, help. Help us to see clearly by “putting on our biblical lenses. Without God’s Word as a lens, the world warps. You are the only lens that can correct the vision of a life. And if I don’t hunger daily for the bread of Your Word, I’ll develop sight deficiency. Make me Word reflective – that I may have the right perspective”(VosKamp). Amen.


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