Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper

Theology in the Trenches

By Kathleen Kjolhaug

Another Sunday in church, another sermon on the same Bible verse referenced at H.S. graduation by a colleague. What could be new? It was from the book of Matthew, the parable about sowing seeds. You know the one. In it, Jesus basically asks us if our seeds sown will produce fruit. He gives examples of this by referring to the fact that some seeds fall amidst thorns, only to be choked out. Some seeds are blown away after being scattered alongside the road producing nothing. Still others are strewn on rocky soil creating a shallow root system too weak to produce anything at all. Finally, there are the seeds which are sown upon good soil and these seeds produce much…nothing new here.

On went the sermon asking us what kind of fruit we are producing from the seeds that have been sown in us.  Are we faithful to hear and do? Are we faithful to hear and go? Are we faithful at all to what is being asked of us once we know Him? I listened to all of the familiar ground covered…when suddenly, Pastor’s words helped shift my thoughts. It went something like this.

So don’t go thinking you’ve got it all together because you’re producing fruit and so and so doesn’t have it together because at the moment there seems to be little evidence of fruit. Rather, be still and know that what the Planter has sown within is His to bring to fruition, in His perfect timing so that no man may boast. Jesus gets the credit…reminding us…it’s all about Him.

There was a small check engine light coming on within that perked my ears. Hmmm, what else did he say?

And while we’re out and about sowing seeds, be generous where you are tossing them. Holding back so they only fall upon people whom we deem worthy of our time can be a show stopper. By scattering them generously so all may hear and all may respond to the gospel being sown is what it’s about…that all men may hear and come to know the glory of God. The seeds are His word. Plant, sow, be generous with whom and where you pour out and let God raise those whom He chooses…for His glory and not our own.

By having the sermon paraphrased, it helped me dig deeper as to what He was truly asking. He promises “My yoke is easy and My burden light” (Matt. 11:30). We simply need scatter the seeds…the fruit is His business. He will grow it, mature it, and harvest that which is sown…for His glory that no man may boast (Ephesians 2:9). Obedience is our business, the fruit is His.  Amen.

For those who would like to listen first hand, feel free to check your own search engine at https://soundcloud.com/adam-krog


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