Noel Birth...

 A Noel Birth

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


I reacted out of fear one day

And then again the next

I thought I’d learned my lesson

 And was totally perplexed.


I did not tarry to make amends

Asking mercy from my past

You see, it’s not the first time

And I’m sure it’s not the last.


Befuddled, behooved, begotten am I

And purchased with a price

I am so simply human

Forgiving self would be nice.


With outstretched arms towards others

We hold banners that burst with song

But when it comes to forgiveness of self

So much can oft go wrong.


We look upon ourselves with sorrow

Hiding from others the clues

That might give way our guilt of course

Inviting in all the blues.


        Deep sorrows make us hold our heads

In shame and embarrassment

But being simply human

Explains why Heaven was sent.


To earth He came to take away

Shame based humiliation

For this He came be blessed assured

As we pray away temptation.


Rise up oh sons and daughters

The victory is about

People may point as you hang your head

But He tenderly calls you out.


He calls you out as one with Him

Covering any wrong

Embrace it all with head held high

Reclaiming the truth in song.


We thank You, Lord, for all You’ve done

We can’t begin to tell

Your love poured out for all, for all

And this is our Noel.



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