Do you know Bob?

Bob the Builder

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


And so life goes…a couple of kids…a job…a family…and time passes. Quickly, time passes. Taking for granted those whom we meet day to day might be common ground. What’s not so common, though, are moments posted allowing access to hearts exposed. Humanity often rears its head in ways we’d rather not remember, but every so oft, we’re gifted insight into that which anchors our neighbor and that which launches their footsteps.

Grateful I was as the hazy day was coming to an end. Groggy from laboring under the guise of teacher, Friday brought the culmination of events clamoring full force. The week at school was a blast from the vantage point of anyone eighteen years or younger. Much older, and it took your breath away, literally. Gasping for just that, the clock struck 9:00 and most of the energy left from this busy week had long been spent.

This past Monday had blossomed into Snow Week. Each day held hope for students and staff to keep up with Pajama Day, Tourist Day, Neon Day, and the likes of Spirit Day. Watching a ballgame smack dab in the middle of the afternoon was one highlight for all students and staff as Valentine’s Day parties had been squeezed in just prior to the big games. Cupcakes were sold for yet another fundraiser, and it was “Senior Night” the following night…roger that. Not to mention, it was parent-teacher conferences for one full evening in the midst of the muddle, a dance after the final game of the week, and an active parent group serving the guest team a meal-to-go after traveling far and wide.  Last but not least, the group selling cupcakes also had right-of-way to concessions…and that’s where I was planted…in the concession stand popping corn and desperately trying to look  attentive as customers approached.

The girls and boys had both registered wins, beating the other team handily when up to the window came Bob.

“So, how many kids do you think were out there? Sixteen?” I sort of shrugged my shoulders not grasping the question.

“Anyone losing that graciously with as much class deserves a treat.” At that he began purchasing an assortment of goodies to hand over to the opposing team for the sole purpose of honoring the class act he had just witnessed upon the floor. He doled over the money, held the goods between fisted hands, and disappeared into the crowd.

The sacredness of the moment invigorated. With a chance to witness first hand a heart which not only serves communities, but builds community put a bounce in my final steps for the week.

Hebrews 3:4 lays the foundations from where his footsteps launch.   “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”

Thank you to Bob the Builder…for building… Amen.   


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