Calling all LGs...

At Your Beck and Call

Theology in the Trenches

by Kathleen Kjolhaug


My old LG cell phone works. I can text with the best of them by tapping each button three to four times in order to get the letter or number needed, and if it falls to the ground, it will not shatter. Going over on internet usage is impossible because I do not use it, and if lost, within minutes it is returned; nobody wants the old dinosaur. There are so many plusses to keeping it simple by keeping my old LG.

However, there’s a battle going on within our household. A constant undercurrent of public opinion rises more oft than not. It rears its ugly head in many forms, but so far, I’ve held the line. The line I hold might appear a bit outdated, but I like what it stands for, the content within, and the familiar. Like an old friend, I have found companionship and faithfulness with what others are trying desperately to take from me. But every so often, I begin to second guess myself. The possibilities of casting off the old and joining others looks inviting; electronic devices tempt.

As I’ve been caught in places which hook people on the usage of such things, I must admit that I am indeed tempted. The idea of joining the world in conversation through group texts and the like…looks fun. Gone will be the empty squares where icons or pictures are supposed to be. At times the messages don’t transfer, and as I stare at those small empty spaces, I wonder what the rest of the world is reading.

But, just when I am about to make a decision to go bigger, better, newer, my phone bill arrives reminding me of much. I am reminded that a new contract would bind, and that at this point, I own it and it does not own me. That said, there is one thing above all others keeping me connected to my old device more so than not. And, this is what it is.

Every so often, say about once a month, a voice message will shuffle itself all the way back to the beginning of my other voice messages. In order for me to get it, I must click my way through each and every one I’ve chosen to save. When I shuffle, I hear the voice parade of moments which help anchor my heart and which help anchor me to this device.

“Yes…Kathy, this is your dad…just wondering if you can stay for hot dogs tonight…”

“Hello mom, this is…just calling to say Happy Mother’s Day…”

“Hey Kathy…you’ll never guess who this is…just calling from India…”

“…calling to see how you’re doing...”

By now you know it’s not the messages, but the voices which speak. Out of love they call, out of love we answer. And so it is. Deuteronomy 11:18-19 gives reference: “You shall put these words of Mine in your heart and soul…teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.”  Leave them in message form and bless others with voice…His voice.  Amen.


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