Money or I come...
Money or not,
here I come…
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
While driving home one evening, I realized
I had forgotten one item on my list, wrapping paper. Pulling into a parking lot
and running into a nearby store, I soon found what I needed and took my place at
the counter. There was only one person in front of me, so I knew it wouldn’t
take long. Or would it?
The little customer put his bird feeder upon
the counter and beside it plopped his bag of cash. “Did you rob your piggy
bank?” I inquired halfheartedly hoping he’d get what I meant. The little guy
stared back blankly, and just as quickly, I realized that piggy banks could be
a thing of the past. The little dude did not understand what I meant.
With mama behind him, she looked up and with
a smile said, “Sort of."
She got it. We enjoyed chatting as the
clerk began counting out the coins. The excited buyer stood on tip toes to make
sure he would be able to make the proud purchase all on his own.
Soon, the wait was over and the clerk’s
head popped up. “You don’t quite have enough.”
Passing back the plastic bag which still
had a fist full or two of pennies within, the little guy’s shoulders sagged. He
looked befuddled and a bit disappointed, but as his mom came to the rescue with
more cash, the clerk continued.
“I won’t bother with these pennies,” and
he gave the bag back.
Not sure how the young consumer felt
about not having his cash count, but the message that was sent was clear. In
the eyes of the clerk, those pennies did not count as cash worthy of his effort
to count.
I thought money was money. Even though
it would have taken time to count those copper coins, it was still money and after
all, it all adds up. Worthy were those pennies for the boy to gather, and
worthy they were to count for something.
The little fellow just wanted to buy a birdhouse.
He wanted to do it on his own. In the end, he needed help. After all, in the
end, most of us do. It wasn’t like he was buying a sparrow or two to fill it.
Certainly not cause back in the day he could have you know, at least according
to Matthew 10:29. “Are not two sparrows
sold for a copper coin?”
Imagine the young man at the counter
being handed a whole flock of birds for his cash that apparently didn’t even
count! His shoulders would not have sagged one bit; rather, he would have
swelled with pride having not only a birdhouse but a bunch of birds to put in
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