Thank You
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

I want to thank you for setting boundaries and saying no. You were wise to do that. You wanted me to grow to be self-sufficient, and you wanted me to dream dreams that I would own, rather than ones you put into place for me. You knew that struggling would strengthen, and as you gently pointed out what I did right along the way, I could see you swell with pride. You did not find your definition of who you were through my successes, but rather, you were proud that I would be able to make my way in this world by taking ownership of my steps. These steps built stairways upon which I would eventually climb as I took paths meant for me to trod.

You kept my world simple while growing up by making me work for what I got. It was a big deal to manage the forty cent allowance you allowed once a week. It was a big deal to go to a movie. It was a big deal to go downtown. It was a big deal to get any type of new clothing. It just was because I knew how hard it was to acquire funding for such things.

Home town community, faith community, school community, and family were ties that did bind, and it laid the foundation from which I could safely launch. I could dream dreams because I had that foundation. I could give voice and step into other communities within the workplace or new communities to which I moved because it was familiar ground. A ground laid solid and intentional was what you helped provide, and I did not know how truly blessed I was…until now.

As I age, I find myself satisfied more by slowing down rather than speeding up. This gives me time to reflect and find delight in the familiar rather than always desiring to explore new. I find gentle comfort in the repetition of the familiar. It’s peaceful, and I like that. By laying that foundation of the familiar, it made my world continually recognizable.

The familiar pulse of the hometown grocery store relaxes. I find comfort when poking around in the deli. “Don’t you just love their rice pudding they have on hand here? Looks like they are out of it today, but I just love it.” Bonding with another over rice pudding is a miracle heart to heart.

I can trust that the meat for sale was cut and wrapped at the hands of the owner. Someone is looking out for the people in town. It’s his community, and I am part of it. I am sustained by his hands and feel taken care of. For that, I am grateful.

Launching from the familiar, and those familiar boundaries you helped set were valid and are valued now as I see more clearly they were not meant to keep me penned in. On the contrary, those very boundaries set me free. Free to eventually make more choices than I could have ever imagined, free to come back and build community, free to contribute to the lives of others. True freedom is amazing. True freedom is a gift with holy boundaries formed upon a cross.

“Freedom in Christ is true freedom. We are not promised tomorrow, so do not delay. For those who are free, stay strong and finish the race well. God bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling” (Derek Hill).  Amen.


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