The Story Behind the Christmas Photo

The Story Behind the Christmas Photo
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjohaug

Thank goodness for photo selections as it usually takes about six shots to get the action down pat that one may desire. And even after it is posted, or sent out, or retouched, or words added…it still does not depict the story behind the photo. At least in our case…

Dad of the house sat with his newly gifted sweater and as he proceeded to try on the others he’d been gifted, it became quite obvious that he had moved up in the world. It took Christmas to realize that designers are making the XL’s smaller these days. Next year we will have to step it up a notch!

Granddaughter #1 dreamed big. The dolly she received was of equal stature and thrilled she was. No sooner had she received it, when she made mention of the other doll that was in stores that she did not receive. Teachable moment it was in the making of a grateful heart and it was received well. It’s a big lesson to learn when you’re three, and a good time to help hearts grow big. She blinked back tears…no…wait…those aren’t tears…that’s pink eye! Thank goodness for little sister’s leftover medication.

Speaking of little sisters, she smiled big, played well, got the hang of ripping a few presents open and all between camera shots managed to not fight off defensively the Kleenex which attacked the clear drainage. The final pose under the tree desired by mom was collected and when looked at, the realization was noteworthy that the chocolate she was devouring smeared like lipstick down her bottom lip and onto her chinny-chin-chin.

Mommy was speechless through it all as she stood there aglow with the love for her little munchkins, not to mention she arrived that way. Laryngitis had gotten a hold of her vocal chords and she hadn’t been able to speak for the past several days. Cough as she might, most of the congestion was immovable until the day after the day after they arrived back home.

And speaking of arriving home, they did just fine on that too. The family came, and the family went due to unprecedented weather conditions. Dangerous they were. So, instead of loading the ham into the oven, we loaded the gifts and the suitcases into their car and off they went.

By ten o’clock Christmas morn not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, just me and my spouse. As I glanced at the packed fridge, I wondered who was going to eat all the food and was reminded that in mere days, one would return and perhaps they would be so kind as to help.

I went to post the pics and rejoiced in the fact that indeed it had been a joyful celebration and the unspoken words behind smiles are not necessarily the world’s business. After all, it’s a picture in time…a moment…a slice of life before hearts mend and on we go into the next crisis that needs troubleshooting. As He is the reason, we withstand the storms amidst the seasons of life…lest we boast of anything but Him.

“Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord’” (1 Corn. 1:31).  Amen.


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