Just Beneath thee Surface...
Just Beneath the Surface
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
I saw a short news clip the other day of a few tourists gathering round a newly formed piece of land which had sprung up from a hotbed of overflowing lava. Boundaries were set, and the people roaming about were not to surpass them. Sure enough, curiosity found the passers-by putting one foot in front of the other and soon, in the distance, the ground near them shifted. Off into the abyss tumbled the newly formed terrain that had yet to be secured to anything. Still, hot off the press it didn’t stand a chance. Nobody was injured, but the park rangers were called in to set new limits in place.
The land came into being because just beneath the surface there was pressure waiting to escape. Relief came and land was formed when this pressure was released, but as it had not yet anchored to anything, it could not hold it fast and it slid right off the face of the earth tumbling into the ocean.
After watching, the thought crossed my mind as to the types of conversations those park rangers were having in their break room. Perhaps behind closed doors they too erupt from time to time just like volcanoes. They must spew out a joke or two about how people place themselves in the middle of the oddest of situations…just to release a little pressure.
Truth of the matter is, if people would conduct themselves so perfectly in the park areas, there would be little use for park rangers. The very thing that helps employ them is the very thing that no doubt drives them nuts about their jobs. Truth is…we sort of push and pull one another through life. Sometimes that which we dislike becomes the very thing that helps sustain us.
“For such a time as this,” was spoken over Queen Esther as she helped her people. For such a time as this she was born to help save many from her nation. No question that her obedience and her “yes” to our Lord helped move that which was needed to be accomplished, fall into place. After all, for such a time as this she was born.
So today, I ask. Have you seen glimpses of the “for such a time as this” in your life? A pat on the back is not what I’m offering. Rather, what I’m suggesting is a simple recognition that He alone is God. He alone calls those unto Himself for reasons only He knows and every so oft we are given a glimpse. He allows us to capture a bit of the pleasure we bring Him as He works through us…every so softly…”for such a time as this.”
For such a time as this is there you and me and new life to come. All that is within us praise His holy name. Place your name in the slot as He calls for He sees...He knows.
No matter what they say in the workroom about the oddities of us all, just remember, we are His workmanship, anchored, and secured in Christ alone and may it be He who holds fast…for such a time as this. Amen.
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