Church Ladies...
Church Ladies
Theology in the Trenches
By Kathleen Kjolhaug
Oh the times they are a changing, but the foundation never does. “The Solid Rock on Which I Stand”… still stands, and “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” You see, all else is sinking sand is what the wisdom of the ages teaches. Wisdom not only grounds us, but it anchors. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” as “Onward Christian Soldiers” we march (Prov. 9:10). Because some day, “When the Saints Go Marching In,” those helping build that foundation upon which we stand are none other than the church ladies.
You know the old saying, “Ladies first?” It’s referring to real ladies, the ones who represent womanhood, the ones with class, the ones who put the whole world before themselves, the committed, the faithful servants of servants…the church ladies. Quilting, baking, cleaning, meeting, Bible Study, prayer warring, community forming within the church are they. They are the stalwarts, the dependable. They are the hearts from whom all blessings flow.
Why? Because they listen. They listen to that still small voice, Bring some freshly baked cookies here, help a neighbor in need there, visit the sick, plan a shower for the fourth generation coming through this church whether it be a wedding or a newborn. Why? Because the church ladies are His hands and His feet and they not only know truth, but live it. Looking out for number one is their mantra as long as the number one is someone else they look after. Self isn’t considered as Vacation Bible School is on the radar and more volunteers are needed. They give of time and talents to the body of Christ and then return to the home front doing likewise under the guise of mom, wife, grandmother, great-grandmother, auntie, cousin, sister, friend, teacher, mentor, grocery shopper, meal maker, care-giver and on it goes…it’s all the same.
You see, the line in the sand has been drawn as they bend low to pick up and lift up. Perhaps a parishioner has a crisis of faith; perhaps monetarily one is in need of shelter or replacement of. Knees break the fall as first thing in the morning and last thing at night the stillness beckons...come pray. Come sit with Me…come tarry while I speak. The call that is bestowed upon the women of the church is sacred really…to do life on this journey together. “Lift High the Cross” they do as they bend low anchoring themselves in the crevices of the crucible…His wounds. Into His wounds they crawl for respite for it is finished…He did it all…that’s all there is to it.
They murmur amongst themselves…those church ladies. Whispers may be caught as eyes connect; few words need be spoken. Someone’s child is sick, an accident just down the gravel road, another spouse has been taken and hearts need the church ladies…and their prayers…and their cares because they do…care that is. A newborn baby, a baptism, Confirmation comes round and the maturing saints, the church ladies, celebrate. Outreach trips reached out to…to support those going. A food stand along the parade route is a must go to as the young workers are part of the family…the church family.
“Those kids? They are ours! We love them, and we love those hotdogs they serve up; just nothin quite like em unless they’re servin up tacos in a bag. Just nothin like our kids….the youth…we just love em you know.”
The decorating committee meets to spruce up the church with a bit of spruce for the Christmas season. Palm branches are readied for the altar at Easter. New banners placed upon hooks, cake baking done for the sale, and the cleaning upon bended knee. Bulletins printed, rafters painted yet once again, and so goes the seasons of the church ladies. They move and breathe as one in Him because it’s not about them you see. It’s about Him. To God be the glory great things He is doing for generations to come…through Him…through the church ladies…forever and ever…Amen.
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