Sweet Child
Sweet Child
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
Come to the hillside, the mountains aren’t high.
Come rest in the meadow, I’m right by your side.
The valleys are peaceful just call out to Me.
I’ll carry you sweetly just trust me, My child.
Your heart needs to listen…I’m calling your name.
Just pause…in the silence…it’s My voice you hear.
Sweet child of Mine be assured of My presence.
Fear not, I’m holding you softly My child.
More precious than silver, more precious than gold…
I hold our heart tenderly loving you on.
Draw nigh to me child, I’m always awaiting…
Come forth, and tenderly rest in My arms.
Written in 1996, this little bit comes round to minister once again. Little did I know how much the words He breathes to life would be so desperately needed some twenty years later.
He goes before us. We need not look back. But, if we do take a gander back or look down instead of up, the foundation being laid is solid. Beneath, beside and behind as well as ahead, He is omnipresent. He is omniscient.
Transitioning footsteps try to keep up as pages turn time. Demonstrating faithfulness He does. He is the One constant, the only constant in this ever-changing world. His Word does not return void nor do His promises as they are new every morning. He is ever faithful to keep His promises because we have a God who does not lie.
The Breath of Life He is, and in Him, we move and have our being. To kneel before the Lord our God our Maker at any given moment is an honor. To hide is not an option as we are no longer our own. In Him, we move and have our being.
To the glory of our God the Father, we cry. And if we do not cry out…or live it out…the very rocks will. Amen.
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