Missing the Gospel

Missing the Gospel
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

Is it possible for one to miss the Gospel while at the same time appearing to be living it? It’s a question that randomly arose this a.m. and a thought that would not go away until it was penned upon paper.

Into the desert went many who have pondered Christ in order to better understand how He lived out that which He proclaimed. Literally, many a saint has face-planted in the sand while waiting on the Lord for provision. Longing for a closeness that forsook all worldly possessions, they were often mocked, scoffed at and martyred for their faith. Those who have gone before us are our brothers and sisters. Some we know by name, many we do not.

Jesus is the Gospel. He lived it out. So, how is it possible to miss the Gospel while at the same time be living out portions of it so beautifully?

Case in point. A young woman returns from serving along-side one of Mother Teresa’s homes for the dying in Calcutta. The fruit of the Spirit is evident. Her voice gives way to compassion, her demeanor mimics kindness, gentleness, mercy, and grace. She has a voice for the immigrants and desire that they have homes. She is abounding in steadfast love and reaches out with an obvious heart for the poor.

The topic of conversation shifts. She is surprised to hear that there are women in this world who give voice to the unborn. She has never had a conversation with one. Adamantly, she pursues the topic through a series of questions. Her unwavering convictions that little ones need no one to speak up in their defense surprises even me.

So easy it is to dismiss and box the young woman into a category that she, in turn, wants to box me into. So easy it is to slay one another with the Good News of the Gospel by pointing out the wrongs within a thought process. Neither of the two talking can understand how the other thinks and could full well give up altogether in hope that there might be any hope found within the other that is worthy of praise.

Years back, there was a similar instance where sides appeared to be polarized. Paul, who is not only found in the Gospel texts but who eventually wrote many of them, had a past which contrasted sharply to the hope to which Christ eventually called him.

And the questions remain…What would have happened if Stephen, right before he died via stoning, would have grabbed a David sized pebble and slung it at Saul, later turned Paul…watching on as one of those who were persecuting? What if Stephen had chosen an eye for an eye form of retribution just before he went down in history as the very first martyr?

I’ll tell you what would have happened. By placing prior judgment upon Saul, taking him out as an evil doer, taking out someone who God was still very much working on, in, and through, Stephen would have destroyed the very voice God would eventually use as Paul, the apostle.

So, what are we to do with those who are not proclaiming the fullness of the Gospel just yet? I’ll tell you what we are to do. We are to love. Cutting off those who appear to scoff and torment finds us in the very shoes of the scoffers and tormentors.

“And these three remain, faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is Love (1st Cor. 13:13). Find a way through that … to do that.  Amen.


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