What If?

What If?
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug

What if it is true that what He asks is extremely hard for you?
What if it’s true that what He asks is something you think you can’t do?

You cringe at the thought because it’s well known that it wasn’t the plan you desired.
The dejected in life have come to your door and you’re everything but inspired.

The script within did not include the messes that others did make.
Your heart desired a bit smoother sailing and not someone else’s mistakes.

The messy of messes came right in that door as you fought hard to keep it out.
You hadn’t a clue of what to do as you watched in unfurl all about.

As the winds did blow, the clouds rolled in and your vision was all but obscured.
For dark, they appeared billowing here and there…as your hope did turn into fear.

Clinging to prayer, to the ears that would listen, your heartbeat was not recognized.
Rapidly palpitating, rapidly breathing as each thought seemed over-sized.

Anger erupted and confession ensued that it truly was too much for you.
That’s when it happened; He took it all over appearing like morning due.

You leaned in to feel the beat of His heart and knew this was just the beginning.
He let it be known you weren’t alone as He, too, was the far-reaching ending.

The verses came swiftly enfolding you deeply as you poured out all of your woes.
He not only heard you but gathered you up to shed Light on this world below.

My ways are higher, much higher than yours as you celebrate life that’s been hewn.
I’ve got this, you see; please trust Me with this, cause from your elevation it’s skewed.

If mountains and valleys were turned upside down that’s exactly the view that’s real.
Upon the peaks of the mountains high, it’s easy to slide back down…that’s the deal.

The valleys that look so steeply ravened…well, the work to get out…it renews.
It’s the climb, the assent that brings on the view that will be embedded in you.

I know you my child, and I know your needs so trust me along this path’s journey.
I’m building and shaping…the texture brings beauty please know that this is the key.

When you’ve come to the end of let’s pretend and you desire to get real with Me.
I will hear you say, “Oh Lordy, I cannot”… and those are true words that will please.

And ever so gently that’s when you’ll hear that “It’s not too much for Me.”  Amen.


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