Watch for the Miracles
Watch for the
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
last three columns were about Mary’s Miracle. When I first interviewed Mary,
I’d just finished this column the night before not knowing anything about her
story. Yes, miracles truly do abound and I was able to gift back to her the
very words you are about to read. To God be the glory great things He is doing.)
are all around…they abound. In steadfast love, they rise because He has risen.
In bodily form, He is no longer here...yet His Holy Spirit is. It was poured out
upon us, once He left this earth; He dwells within.
Ez. 40:4 it says, “The man said to me, ‘Son of man, see with your eyes, hear
with your ears, and give attention to all that I am going to show you; for you
have been brought here in order to show it to you. Declare to the house of
Israel all that you see.’” Ezekiel saw and declared.
followed and wrote down what they heard and saw. We still have those writings which
help us to see. I like what Matthew mentions in 11:17. “As these men were going
away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John, ‘What did you go out into
the wilderness to see?’”
Mark 5:14, “Their herdsmen ran away and reported it in the city and in the
country. And the people came to see what it was that had happened.”
passages point out that Jesus did speak and through His Word, He continues to do
mercy and compassion are always in fashion, you just can’t go wrong trying to
listen to what it is He is saying. We need not fear what we hear.
happen to like His never-ending communication because it helps me remember that
“His love endures forever” (Ps. 136:1). It is steadfast as Christ holds fast. The
fact that His grace abounds is a miraculous component because when His mercy
and grace show up, it sheds light on the marvelous character of God...drawing
us nigh.
His grace on display is miraculous and
when you acknowledge it as such, He gets the glory.
need only look, and you will see. He is constantly trying to communicate with
us giving us glimpses of Himself. The miracle that He, the holy and mighty God
of the universe would even try to communicate with a sinner such as I, is the
biggest miracle of all. The miracle that He forgives 70x7 and beyond is just
plain jaw-dropping, and the fact that when I fall short He continues to forgive
as I confess…keeps the miracle of grace alive. And the best part is…it truly is
open “to all who call upon the name of the Lord” (Rom.10:13).
So how do we respond when we receive the
miracle of grace? I believe that when see, hear about it, or personally
experience it, we need merely lift up our eyes to the Lord and give thanks... acknowledging from where our help comes from. And…when we know
and make it known that all is from the Maker of heaven and earth, I believe it
just tickles His heart. (Ps. 121:1-2)
the process as you not only look and see
but “taste and see the goodness of
the Lord” (Ps. 34:8). Amen.
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