A Shepherd's Christmas...

A Shepherd’s Christmas
Theology in the Trenches
by Kathleen Kjolhaug
Written in 2006, this piece resurfaced, and I reworked it to share with you once again.
I pondered the shepherd’s garments. His peaceful countenance spoke of soft simplicity. The nativity scene depicting this young shepherd some 2000 years ago drew me in like a spectator looking on from afar.  Seamless was his brown tattered clothing providing cover. Not a stitch wound round the edging as bare legs revealed single strapped sandals. Baby Jesus looked up from the scene as manger held Him…as we behold Him. His eyes locked with those of the humbly clad herdsman. Each appeared satisfied in the presence of the other and all was still…all was calm.
My mind wandered and I wondered what this little shepherd would ponder if he were to sneak a peek into my life.  For starters, the shoe collection near our front door would trip him up. (If not in the most literal sense, certainly in the overwhelming decision to pick a pair…) The food selection appears just as jumbled, and my, oh my for the ornamental décor round and about this time of year trying to add more cheer. Blinking lights appear on the big screen, and upon each and every hand held device. Bells ring as ring tones set off that which calls for immediate attention. We’re wired with built in distractibility as sensors explode the senses.
I wondered what his thoughts might be if he were to shop the local malls for a selection of name brands that so many seem to desire and as desires turn into needs, that too becomes a distraction. Would he have entered into such a place? Or, would he have turned his back and walked away? Would he have returned to his field…to the simplicity of his calling, his role which was to be lived out?
I wonder what else he might have declined. Would he have taken that offer to the top university if it had been given? And what would he have missed? Not that I have any objections to universities. I graduated from one, but I know my opportunity to shepherd in the manner in which he was called paled in comparison. He must have been unmoved to do anything else but respond to his calling on the night of nights doing his part alongside the heavenly hosts singing alleluia. The card depicting this scene before me shed light on this shepherd’s heart and where it needed to be in the moments lived that first Christmas.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords help me to not miss out on the simple tasks you set before me, especially when they appear to be not so simple. May obedience unto You reign.  Help peace within be present from without and also when I am without. Help me to be satisfied with the simplicity of sandals covering my soles and the seamless threads placed round me. As for the covering of my soul, please let it be You that covers from within. In spite of myself, dear Lord, keep me from the temptations of this world as I know you desire so much more.  Amen.


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