Get along little doggie...

Get Along Little Doggie…
Theology in the Trenches
Kathleen Kjolhaug with Guest Columnist Rebekah Rhem

I asked Rebekah if I could use her words. Her voice speaks. As you read, you will hear her heart. She’s a cowgirl with passion for ministry in the midst of her horse training, dog training, and she carries this passion into every arena she enters. Be blessed by the telling of her simple story. These are her words.

So, Diesel completely chewed through my i-Phone charge cord this morning. I'm not very happy about that, but it has provoked me to thought. When you're raising a puppy, you expect accidents on the floor, random chewed up items that may be of great value or no value at all. You understand that sometimes you'll have to get up in the middle of the night because they're whining and need to be let out.

All this and more is just part of walking the road of puppyhood. But one day that puppy will be a dog. A puppy that has been offered patience, grace, and discipline over and over again turns into a very pleasant dog to be around!

In life, we're running a race. Sometimes we get frustrated or even angry because the race is long and hot. We're hungry, our water bottle is empty, and it's another ten minutes of running before the next pit stop! Then, the unimaginable happens. You pull a muscle, tear an ACL, or tweak an ankle. You either continue on in great pain, or you're out of the race! You think, I didn't sign up for this! Who said this was part of running the race?! I'm out, I'm done. This is ridiculous!

Hold on a second friend. You did sign up for this! The risk and reality of physical demands and even injury to your body during a race is a reality when you decide to run it. You DID sign up for this. The fact is that struggle, pain, or unexpected complications are all part of it. It’s all part of the path…the path to victory.

The truth is, one day the race will be over. We will reach the end and we will hear, "Well Done!" When our eyes catch sight of heaven we won't be sorry for what the race entailed; we'll only be thankful that we decided to sign up!

If you haven't signed up, you'll know inexpressible sorrow on that day. I'm here to tell you, the race is HARD!  But every drop of sweat, every hunger pain, every unexpected turn, every heartache and sorrow WILL be worth it! Please, say "yes" to Jesus today!

“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved” (Romans 10:9-10).  Amen.


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